speaker FAQ
Do not hesitate to reach out to us at kate@developer-first.com if you cannot find an answer to your question!
how long are conference sessions?​
Conference sessions are 45 minutes including time for Q&A.
when is the event?
The event is scheduled for Friday, May 7th, 2021 from 9 AM - 5 PM.
where will the conference be located?
We are currently planning to host the May 2021 event at the Minneapolis Marriott Southwest in Minnesota. We are prepared to transition to a virtual format if needed to ensure the safety of the attendees, speakers, and sponsors.
when should I expect to hear back regarding my submission?
We plan to select and notify the first round of speakers by October 1st.
do you provide travel reimbursement for speakers?
Yes, we will pay for round trip economy flight and 1 night hotel stay at the conference venue for out of town speakers.
can I update the title and description of my session after it has been published on the conference website?
Yes! Email kate@developer-first.com to request changes.
do I receive complimentary conference access to attend the other sessions?
Yes! You will receive a full access conference pass which includes breakfast, lunch, happy hour, conference SWAG, a special speaker gift, and access to all sessions.
is there a guarantee on how many people will attend my speaking session?
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee attendance. However, you can help increase attendance by promoting your session using the pre-conference mailing and via your own marketing vehicles.
do I pick the time and location for my speaking session or will it be assigned to me?
We will assign you a time and location for your session and will notify you as soon as these details are confirmed.
Joining the Developer First Slack channel:
We will be using Slack to engage with our attendees and share updates throughout the conference.
Follow this link to set up an account: https://join.slack.com/t/developer-first/shared_invite/zt-dc5kokeq-GzITIuY0brbouNBcRXfExg
The #general channel will be used for general event updates and for the attendees to ask the speakers questions after the sessions have concluded. We will also have a private #speakers channel to coordinate and answer questions leading up to/during the event.
code of conduct
Developer First is committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment to all conference attendees, sponsors, and speakers. Please read the full code of conduct before applying to speak. Submitting. your application indicates that you agree with these terms.
If you have a scheduling conflict, please reach out to kate@developer-first.com as soon as possible so that we can find a replacement
Speakers must discuss the work for which they were selected to present.
Speakers must not use their scheduled talk to promote irrelevant agendas.